Helping Local
Youth In Need


Your support makes possible new meaningful contributions in the lives of young people who live and work in our community. We believe in lasting relationships, not just with friends and family, but with organizations who are already making a difference in the lives of young people. Networking works and using established organizations and institutions to deliver what our young community members needs are, makes sense and is a highly efficient way to deliver professional services.

Contribute today! We accept financial donations, as well as auctionable items. Please consider supporting us through a monetary gift.

Support The Foundation


Donations made today change lives tomorrow. Donations support local youth in crisis through interventional measures and the provision of needed services.

Your support is working. Lives are being changed.


Changing Lives


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, for indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead


Make A Donation.



If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please fill out this form.

Ryan Brubaker Foundation
40 South Broad Street
Lititz, PA 17543